The rando software dev is a genius being extradited to a State full of boot lickers and sell outs.
His peers are minimally accomplished well known FOSS devs.
There should be a higher burden of evidence which includes reproducible unittests and his peers should be well acquainted with writing maintainable and sufficient test suites.
Thank you!
Being neutral cute both ways, he is innocent until a jury of his peers decide to vote guilty.
Just hope he doesn’t sign a confession, there is plenty of resources for him to fight this.
Also, I think all people charged with a crime deserve this benefit or the doubt.
There’s that word again
What peers?
The rando software dev is a genius being extradited to a State full of boot lickers and sell outs.
His peers are minimally accomplished well known FOSS devs.
There should be a higher burden of evidence which includes reproducible unittests and his peers should be well acquainted with writing maintainable and sufficient test suites.
Then lets talk about peers and courts.