For me it would be the wise goblin man Yoda, an absolute classic jedi who spits truth and teaches the next generation about the force.
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda, 1980
What about you, fellow jedi or sith, what character brings you closer to the force?
Chewbacca. Because I am also large, hairy, and communicate in a series of grunts and growls
Salacious Crumb for the galactic win
R2D2. I firmly believe that the joke is true that he’s constantly swearing up a storm and knows basically everything but everybody who hears his stories just thinks he’s making shit up for laughs.
Have you read Darths and Droids? It’s a webcomic using the plot of the movies as if they are a RPG season.
R2D2 is a min maxer player who put all their stats into hacking and in intelligence. So strength 1 dexterity 1 charisma 1 etc.
Obi-Wan Kenobi for me too. He’s wise, calm under pressure, and a skilled Jedi who is always there when you need him, whether as a mentor or a defender of peace and justice in the galaxy
as a mentor
I’m a simple man, so any ewok will do.
My man R2-D2. Took no shit from anyone, did what he thought was right, was around from the beginning, and survived practically everything. Plus was a loyal friend to Threepio even when he was acting like an idiot
When I was a teen I always wanted to get my hands on a machine that makes subtitles on tapes or however TF it was done in the 90s and make my own version where R2 is just absolutely foul mouthed and abusive the whole time.
Finn (FN-2187)
He follows his heart so radically. I admire that.
The Special Edition version of Sy Snootles.
“Jedi Rocks” rocks.
Jar Jar obviously
Darth Sidious is literally an evil god emperor. The fact that the power of love defeated him in Episode 6 was poor writing by Lucas.
The Care Bear Stare got him.
I am part of the Power Droid Posse.