At this rate, we might not even make it to the water wars.
Does anyone care about the climate at this point?
Feels like I’m the only one to be honest.
No, there’s dozens of us. Dozens!
Stein, West, and a handful of other candidates did, yes
I’ve accepted for a while now that “this is it”. Despite all our meming about our retirement being dying in the coming water wars… reality won’t be that far off.
As someone who always struggled to find reasons to live, I sure as hell can’t see any now. This world is a literal hell unless you’re rich. In that case it’s your little playground and we the npc’s who populate it.
I think I’d much rather save myself the trouble and suffering.
Don’t leave us you bastard. We are gonna see this through to the end.
So, with his leadership, is there any chance we won’t have a global climate crisis before 2061?
I need someone to convince me, please.
Why wait this long?
many places will be uncomfortable if not intolerable by 2050—around the lifespan of most mortgages—we need to start planning where we make our homes now
Want it sooner? Catastrophic climate ‘doom loops’ could start in just 15 years, new study warns
State of affairs: Global climate disaster inevitable if emissions aren’t drastically reduced by 2035, U.N. warns
Won’t anybody rid us of this meddlesome president?
Do you prefer Vance?
I’m not convinced he’s clever enough to control the inevitable infighting that would spring up after Trump.
Most Americans deny climate change, so
It’s just a once in a lifetime flood, bro! Sure, it’s the third one this year, but c’mon! It’s just normal seasonal cycles!