A new report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) has found that digital hate and harassment against women rose rapidly after the U.S. presidential election. Sexist phrases like “repeal the 19th [Amendment]” and “get back to the kitchen” surged on platforms like X, TikTok, Facebook, and Reddit following President Donald Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. Many of the most frequent comments involve calls for a decrease in women’s rights, while others have explicitly threatened women with sexual assault and harassment. Mentions of the statement “Your body, my choice”—a direct response to the reproductive justice movement’s slogan, “my body, my choice”—grew by over 4600 percent on X. The phrase also appears to have grown in popularity offline, with parents and students reporting groups of boys chanting it to girls in schools. One parent commented online, “Today my daughter was told three separate times on campus ‘your body, MY choice.’ The third group of boys told her to ‘sleep with one eye open tonight.’”
This started on Wednesday, almost immediately after Trump’s victory was announced. By Friday it was already being reported in grade schools because asshole parents enjoy raising asshole sons, and Trump tells people that it’s ok to be the absolute worst human being they can be.
I have a friend who is a hard Republican. We generally don’t talk politics, but after this started last week he was posting things online being offensive towards women and POC (and the whole “illegals took my job and healthcare”) so I finally had to call him out. His response was basically that he wasn’t aware of any increased discrimination happening against women, therefore he didn’t believe it was happening. I’ve known the guy for 40 years but this may be the thing that breaks our friendship. He claims to be an advocate for people’s rights yet he is painfully unaware of the world around him.
advocate for people’s rights
You really can’t be both at the same time.
After this election I’ve had to cut a bunch of people out of my life, even relatives. A lot of them saying such wonderful things as “trump’s just saying things, he doesn’t actually mean anything he’s saying.” And then they’d get defensive when I’d ask them why they votes for him then if he doesn’t mean anything he says.
It’s really hard to cut people out of your life but afterwards it’s amazing realizing that you don’t need to tip toe around things that may be vaguely political (or explicitly) anymore to not start an argument.
People that vote for the violence against the people I love have no place in my life no matter who that person is.
That’s the spirit
Family is the relationship, relatives are who you’re related to.
Found family is better anyways.
advocate for people’s rights
You really can’t be both at the same time.
Of course you can, you’re just missing the subtext:
Advocate for people like me’s rights
Right wing beliefs have always been about empowering the “I’m alright, Jack” types (I don’t know if that phrase is known in the US, but here is an explanation if not). Purely for helping the powerful stay powerful, at the expense of everyone else.
advocate for people’s rights
You really can’t be both at the same time.
Of course you can, you’re just missing the subtext:
Advocate for people like me’s rights
last week he was posting things online being offensive towards women
he wasn’t aware of any increased discrimination happening against women
Perhaps he has always posted that much misogynistic stuff so technically it isn’t an increase?
Hard to say for sure. He’s on Facebook so I don’t have a way to see what he posts, but my wife still has an account there and said he’s in some of the same groups as her. She’s pretty aware of what he’s posting and they’ve actually had conversations in person about the whole immigration thing. The rest… yeah I just don’t know.
“Your dick, my knife”
That already happened to like 90% of us thanks to the same cultists.
I’d love to see a real effort to stop genital mutilation of all babies. When the most visible time men speak up about it though is when they insert themselves into a conversation about women, it does not build sympathy for the issue.
I mean this sincerely. If you are at all serious about stopping the genital mutilation of babies, I suggest you rethink your strategy.
when the most visible time men speak up about it is when they insert themselves into a conversation about women.
That’s not true, its just the only time you notice. It was a completely relevant to the comment. Do you really think you’d respond like this if a women replied with a relevant thing that happens to them? You could have just agreed that it’s crazy how far religious zealotry.
Read the fucking room. The story is about how hateful pieces of shit are gloating about women losing rights in the rapeyest way possible. Comparing it to how you’re sad that you don’t have a foreskin comes off as the whining it is.
I think circumcision is barbaric and pointless, but no one is inclined to have sympathy for your cause in this context.
The issue at hand is body autonomy. Circumcision falls perfectly in line with that and it’s an experience men have that may give them some insight into how women are feeling. Why not tackle them at once (along with anything else that comes up regarding that issue). Making people stand in line to wait for everyone to get on board with their particular grievance is hardly productive.
You could have just agreed that it’s crazy how far religious zealotry [has gone].
And you could have followed this exact same advice.
When people talk about joining the Fediverse one of the main reasons mentioned for not staying is that people will jump on them over a tiny mistake. That’s what I saw your comment to be.
Telling people “don’t ever fucking mention another issue when a women is talking” is stupid. The more comments we get on lemmy the better. The more discussion the better. The medium allows discussion to fork without derailing anything. So if people want to respond to that comment and discuss then nothing is taken away from any of the other comments in this thread and people who don’t care can just minimize that comment and all the rest in that comment thread.
“When people talk about joining the Fediverse one of the main reasons mentioned for not staying is that people will jump on them over a tiny mistake”
Eh, that happens plenty on reddit.
Dude. I think circumcision is barbaric too, but there’s a fucking time.
the time is now old man
Oh, then these misogynists need to watch their words and actions lest they lose even more. Eunuchs can’t forcibly impregnate anyone.
(For clarification I am very anti infant circumcision, everyone’s body their own choices)
Your rectum, my steel toe. Your eye socket, my bat… My choices for their bodies are endless!
I remember reading some headline that reads:
“alt-right women frustrated at alt-right men about their misogyny. seeks change within the movement”
or something like that.
Leopard. Face. Etc…
I remember that too. I also remember reading a headline about a Brazilian far-right group travelling to the US to join a KKK meeting, then being upset that the KKK weren’t particularly welcoming towards them.
The stupidity is absolutely incredible.
Was it this one, from 2017?
woah, what the fuck americans?
The really gross part is this is firmly not just Americans being stupid this time, and has somehow become The Thing To Say Online for the whole damn planet full of incel types.
It’s the ‘boiling over’ part. Seems to be ramping up, and we’re sure to see a lot more of this coming.
There are, indeed, a lot of foreign Trumpites, this is not just on America.
Yeah it’s fucking disgusting. Do they not have a mother?!
Not one they love or, I imagine, that loves them.
Who did you think we were? This is who we’ve always been. They’re just getting comfortable taking the mask off again. Trust me, my grandmother and other family were put through the racist indian boarding schools. Common throughout the US and Canada. You know, the ones they keep finding mass graves on. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just more subtle, less in your face.
Most people thought are too distracted with bread and circuses to care however.
execuse me for a sec, for I gotta puke.
Na, it will only take two years.
Trump tariffs will crater the economy in a year.
Massive round ups of migrants both legal and illegal. Killing farming and destroying families.
Musk well being Musk and chopping the Federal Budget,
50,000 vetted loyal Trumpists ready to take over the Federal government.
Matt Gates in charge of the Dept of Justice leading Trumps Vengence tour.
RFK Jr starts peddling raw milk and makes vaccines illegal.
It’s gonna be fucking LIT. I can’t wait to tell my half wit Dominican coworker who voted for Trump “I told you so” when their family gets deported. I can’t wait to tell my idiot sister in laws who voted for Trump, I told you so when the government programs they rely on (including Obama Care) get wrecked.
Of course I’m going to suffer too, I’m stocking up on N1 masks, food, toilet paper and bullets… but holy shit I’m going to be saying I told you so in the nastiest most demeaning way possible for the rest of my days.
It’ll be our one solace going forward. I’m pretty cishet passing, but I’m still considering getting a passport and trying to escape somewhere else. I don’t really want to abandon any actual people left in this country, but I’m not entirely sure what i can even do, especially where I’m located in the country.
The lizard brains always existed. Inbred, maladjusted, loud angry hateful fucks. We used to be able to suppress them. We ceded the helm of this nation to a bunch of corporations and their puppets in congress. We’ve been trying like hell to fight this multi front battle and are just taking Ls across the board.
We are burning books. Banning knowledge.
We are entering an environment where many do not have the luxury of having an opinion.
Speaking for all of those who were still trying: We’re sorry. We’re still here. We still care. But we’re fighting a losing battle.
Speaking for myself… I’m fucking tired man. I’m not the only one. People I’ve spoken to all are effectively the same: resigned to what comes next. There isn’t enough unity in this mess to right the ship. That unity will come with desperation… and we’re not there yet. 4-6 years. Maybe then. It’s got to get a lot worse before we unify over the collective mess we’re all stuck in.
I think some of this is being amplified by America’s enemies to drive division.
You are 100% correct. The problem is most of the public has lost the ability to discern the difference between truth and fiction. Not their fault specifically: most of even the most technically literate would struggle to fact check what our
newsmedia and feeds dump on us.That’s why the media should be held accountable for what they say. Which I suppose would be the case if it wasn’t for the loophole of disguising news as entertainment.
It was always there - we merely lost the fight on making it shameful to say in public.
I’ve started getting cat called at night while walking my dog. I live in a red area and I dress crappy and I’m middle aged. Today I decided to change my walking schedule and location.
This is sad to read. I’m sorry 😔.
My daughters have to live in this shit hole now. I am both angry and sad that it appears we are moving backwards.
I will fucking end someone if I hear them say this or anything like it to my daughter.
I never understood since women could vote that there isn’t a woman’s political party or movement.
There isn’t a workers’ party, either. The US is one of the few industrialized nations that doesn’t have one.
Because our democracy is stale
It’s as stale as our collective taste for it apparently. We’d have had pro reform politicians elected to power otherwise.
Because the first-past-the-post system makes it very unlikely for more parties to emerge.
My brain is always struggling with upping a post,when the context is so vile. I just don’t understand how could this kind of angry POS people exist and the education their parents are giving them.
They don’t give any education. That’s it. That’s the problem. Parents don’t talk with kids and/or assume that kid will raise itself if it gets enough freedom, exact opposite happens in 90% of cases. You will understand the problem even more when you remember how many kids are bullied in school and growing frustration is a consequence.
They are raised in an atmosphere of negativity and hate that’s so pervasive they don’t even realize it’s a thing and that there are other options.
I come from a white catholic family and I lived in a properly rural area up through first grade. Like I lived in a trailer and my yard bordered a farmer’s corn field. And we knew the farmer because his land was nice for my dad to hunt deer.
The cynicism, persecution complex, and of course the casual racism & xenophobia aren’t something you are taught. They are just how the world works. It’s an assumed part of the culture and the social dynamic just like religion is.
That shit takes root deep in your neurons, and it takes conscious effort, compassion, and self-reflection to work your way out of it. And even then, some of the subconscious programming and visceral reactions persist and require a level of ongoing mindfulness about one’s right processes and behavior.
… platforms like X, TikTok, Facebook, and Reddit.
What are four platforms I will never use again Alex?
And while you’d be right to do so- make no mistake that there are posts on every social media platform with the same exact goal in mind. This one is no different.
We are entering into an era informational noise. The signal is still there but it is fucking faint in the storm of misinformation and ai/seo bullshit it is being transmitted into.
Th 4B movement isn’t a political statement. At this point, it’s simply self-defense.
We have reached a great filter for society. If you are a woman and care about your rights you just need to know how a man voted to determine their value. You gotta dump if they voted for Trump.
I legitimately know a woman who’s divorcing her husband, finding out he was a Trump supporter was the final straw. They’ve been in a rough spot for the last year or so, he doesn’t cook/clean at all.
She was going to leave him a year ago but tried to make it work, finding out he was a secret Trumper sealed the deal for her.
Make it self-defencier and get a concealed carry license. Your body my choice is a rape threat.
There is nothing wrong with being a gun owner so long as you do it responsibly. This means going to the range weekly and not just putting it in the safe after buying it.
Handguns are there because you lack the upper body strength to fight off an attacker. 4B stops no rapist.
Handguns are there because you lack the upper body strength to fight off an attacker.
That’s not what firearms are. They are killing tools. Plain and simple. Not “self-defence” tools. Killing tools. The US military does not provide it’s personel with firearms to “self-defend” themselves from rape.
4B stops no rapist.
How does a handgun stop a woman from marrying a rapist or ending up in a relationship with one?
Your understanding of the term “self-defence” isn’t based on reality.
They include the phrase being directed at them within schools or chanted by young boys in classes.
Young boys are following the misogynist Pied Piper and all the parents are just letting it happen. FFS
The last year voicechat was enabled on my copy of Team Fortress 2.
you don’t wanna know
Yeah, due to the nonexistant moderation TF2 voice chat tends to be the most intolerant thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
I really hope to see more women buying weapons to defend themselves. Don’t be defenseless ladies.
I really, REALLY hope i hear someone say this around me. I’m still trying to decide what choices i will unleash on their body…
“your face, my fist”
This is a continuation of hype trying to stir up more anger. Please don’t buy into this BS. Practically/virtually no one believes the phrase “your body, my choice.” I’d say probably 0.0001 of the population actually believe that that crap.
Although, there are plenty of assholes who will parrot that phrase as satire just to get a rise out of people. Probably 0.01.
You probably won’t ever get a chance to react to someone in person saying, “Your body, my choice.”
Let’s not give this group of haters a louder voice than they deserve, and let’s focus on important things like love and tolerance.
There are actual statistics in this article, unlike these which I think you made up.
You sound like those people saying that COVID was no big deal because “more people die in auto accidents”. How many people have to be affected before you deem it newsworthy?
Check their history, they seem like an alt-right troll
Did you read the article?
I am asking genuinely.
a lack of an answer tells me one of two things.
- they have not read it
- they cannot read
judging on their response (or lack therof), I’m going to guess they can’t read.
Practically/virtually no one believes the phrase “your body, my choice.”
It is “practically/virtually” the ideology of pro-rape right-wingers everywhere. Why the fuck do you think they spent so much effort to crush abortion rights?
How prevalent the use of the exact phrase ‘Your body, my choice’ is irrelevant when the intent behind it is so common in other espoused rhetoric. The fact is that too fucking many people are happy to tear up a woman’s right to self determination and force women into situations that put their lives at risk. I don’t think we can ignore any rhetoric that supports or gives cover to such attacks on a woman’s autonomy.
At this point I would not be surprised if we started seeing feminist groups becoming armed and violent. And as much as I have a disdain for political violence, I don’t think I could condemn them for doing so.
At this point I would not be surprised if we started seeing feminist groups becoming armed and violent. And as much as I have a disdain for political violence, I don’t think I could condemn them for doing so.
This is crazy… misguided, hypocritical, extreme, and unsafe. Etc.
This is crazy… misguided, hypocritical, extreme, and unsafe. Etc.
Just like back alley abortions. Both easily avoided by respecting the bodily and reproductive autonomy of women.
Although, there are plenty of assholes who will parrot that phrase as satire just to get a rise out of people. Probably 0.01.
In the words of Kurt Vonnegut: we are what we pretend to be.
Now let’s all make sure it won’t escalate to the point of current South Korea
Edit: I have no idea how did my autocorrect change of to I’d
Relevant videos by Moon Channel (warning: LONG):
Can you give a tl:dr?
Without even clicking the links; they are videos about the insane sexism and fragile masculinity in South Korea.
Edit: i was right! Specifically they are about how god damned pathetic Korean men are. They can’t even see a self insert male protagonist in a phone game without screaming that they are being cucked. They make our incels look like the picture of healthy masculinity.