Personally I’d say cave diving. I was contemplating between that and free climbing soloing but I honestly rather fall to my death than drown in a claustrophobic, dark, cold, silted up cave.
Extreme ironing. I don’t see the point of dragging a board and iron anywhere. Even at home I’d rather wear wrinkles than open that board. (which is why I buy perminant press church clothes)
Anvil firing
You get 2 anvils, stack them on top of each other, the bottom one upside down, pack some gunpowder between them, light it, run, and the top one shoots off into the air and eventually comes back down.
I’m sure it’s a blast (literally) but I’m not trying to looney tunes myself.
Bungee Jumping.
I cannot do things upside down.
I did it one time with a pelvis area harness instead of the feet-hanger shit so I didn’t go upside down. It was like a carnival bungee jump thing that was about 80 feet high, cost $25 to do. It was scary as shit for the moment of falling but once the bouncing started it was pretty dang fun.
American football, or as I like to call it, Concussion Roulette
Three years ago, I broke my leg free climbing. It took two and a half years of physical therapy to get back to maybe 80% of what it used to be, and now I have a permanent metal plate. I was lucky it wasn’t any worse.
I don’t think I’ll ever free climb again, it’s just not worth it. However, I also would never do cave diving.
Bull riding.
Free plummeting. Although that’s just a fancy way to say “jumping off of something really high and then dying when you hit the ground.” The problem is you can only do it once, but it will be the last extreme sport you will ever try.
Russian roulette, full chamber.
Anything gross or with a particularly drawn out death potential.
Yeah, free soloing is the one. I climb all the time, totally happy doing anything at any height with a rope but without one? Nah.
Russian Roulette.
Niche sport that’s very hard to become pro in
I almost played Russian Roulette once, thankfully I was late to the game. The guys wanting to play didn’t have a revolver, so they used a semi-automatic pistol. I really dodged a bullet with that one
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Honestly, I don’t know what’s supposed to be fun about cave diving. Like, normal diving doesn’t push your buttons any more so the next logical step is to go diving in a grave?
Competitive face slapping
The kind of parkour runs which you do on top of high rise buildings