Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t think that quantum physics is quite right, but the gist probably* is. Any finite system can have it’s states enumerated on a table. I’d think you’d need to calculate configurations over all of space-time at compile time, and then look up answers by boundary condition.


    Interestingly, MIP*=RE from quantum complexity theory implies tangibly infinite quantum states could exist. It’s not clear if real physics has that particular feature, though. If it does no finite lookup table will do the job, even approximately.

  • I mean… are we gatekeeping farms now?

    Kind of. I’m not saying that’s bad, but it’s not quite the same thing. People I’ve met like that are really just rich retirees who want the cachet of being “farmers”. If you successfully do subsistence that’s not you.

    The farmers where I live have got to be the most gatekeepy group I’ve ever met, BTW. I’m from a non-farming branch of an established farming family, and I get the cold shoulder - in general, not just on agricultural things.

    though chickens are in the cards for next year

    Do it. I had a backyard flock, they’re pretty easy to manage on small scales, they’ll eat many kinds of scraps and pests as a supplement, and they make more eggs than you personally can use very quickly. Do your homework first, of course, but it sounds like you get that. Honestly the most difficult part is keeping away predators, if they’re in the area.

    The best case scenario for being commercially successful in that way would be to network with chefs in the bigger cities

    And when people make the bespoke-organic thing work, aggressive and skilled networking/sales is how they do it. It’s just a really difficult, expensive way to make food, and people aren’t going to appreciate that for the exact reason they think it’s NBD as a career plan B. If you want to sell that stuff and make a profit you’ve got to be selling something else more intangible.

    In Japan it might be different, though. I can’t say.

    The local government says I am, in any case (buying registered farmland in Japan is a process, lemme tell ya).

    I bet. I’m guessing you must be ethnically Japanese for it to even be possible. If not, I can only imagine the local scuttlebutt going on about you.

  • Honestly when I imagine someone in IT getting into farming, I imagine this. It’s really an acreage with a garden and some animals, but they call it a farm, and aren’t really interested in the actual farms.

    That, or they do a hipster-bespoke-organic goat farm, which lasts a few years before they run it into the ground because they’re expecting it to be easy or work like IT. To anyone reading this, I would urge you to explore a significant but less radical change first - there’s plenty of jobs not like coding.

  • Okay, maybe not simple. Repetitive, though. I see you guys driving back and forth across a field all day.

    With predictability I meant more like you have no idea when it will be wet or dry (for example), and everything depends on that. Sometimes you have to work hard pretty much as long as the sun is up, or at least that’s how it was in my family’s farming days. They would even eat on their tractors while they kept going. Other times it’s too muddy to do anything.

  • I don’t know about that, but it’s not a “free lunch” and it’s not the same as just looking at pretty scenery.

    From a North American perspective, besides the absurd entry cost, it seems fairly similar to a being a long-haul truck driver or plumber. Simple, repetitive work that doesn’t follow any predictable schedule. Physical arduousness depends on what you’re growing and if you’re going to hire scared brown people to do it for you.

    You also get to live in an area that’s close to nothing, surrounded by neighbors that think you’re an elitist city prick and will never respect you.

  • Well, depends. If it’s hosted on AWS and HTTPS terminates there like it’s supposed to, Amazon could look inside, but a human being would have to personally hack your container and extract the data, so that’s a bit better. If it’s something more like Wix, though, sure. (Is Wix still a thing?)