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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • I hate the accuracy of your analysis because you are 100% right that so much of that era was forgotten (except by those who lived it and still hold onto those details). Enron had absolutely turned Texas into scrutiny central and someone in Bush’s administration didn’t like their friends going to jail for being corrupt. The Bush family had also used their connections to Saud to enrich them and their friends during the 90s without knowing that they were being used. 9/11 is the day Bush realizes it and was completely unable to do anything about it because of hat direct family connection. So instead America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq as a distraction.

    The entire foreign policy of right wingers is cleaning up the personal history of the grifters who run the party.

  • No. Shame is powerful and under utilized by the left because we are afraid of hurting people. The right is dropping bombs on children and threatening fascism. The difference in restraint is huge and it is hurting the left more.

    The right whines when it doesn’t get it way and throws legal tantrums when they have to play by the same rules as everyone else. This is just the start of the schadenfreude. The right can fucking die of collective anger for all I care.

  • The picture is of John Wick, a character known for fighting an entire criminal underground because someone killed his puppy.

    Kristi Noem is the governor of South Dakota. She wrote a book detailing how she went hunting with a puppy, the puppy scared birds she was hunting, so she put a bullet into it’s head. She admitted it was an untrained puppy so the conclusion many draw is that she needlessly murdered a dog that she could have otherwise trained.

    The punchline is that John Wick is coming after her because she killed a puppy.

  • An easy way to think of Anarchism is Libertarian ideals put to real world testing: major systems like radio and wireless will not exist unless a super wealthy individual sets it up and maintains it using their wealth and power to keep it forcibly operational.

    Most nice things from civilization will not exist because of the overwhelming amount of cooperation it takes - anarchism is the end product of “fuck you I got mine” and no one is expected to help or be helpful.