I thought it was the three branches of science? Dinosaurs, Nukes and Aerodynamics?
I thought it was the three branches of science? Dinosaurs, Nukes and Aerodynamics?
I didn’t even say he wasn’t killed.
in other part because of poor reading comprehension
uh huh
how old are you Mr jumps to defend what the article says and then backpedal?
They just fell out of a window. The news said. Supported by other state apparatuses.
Now I’m not really running around believing this kid was killed I truly dunno him or this situation enough but to read one article about something like this and just take it at face value isn’t it. Look at Boeing I think three whistleblowers died in connection to them, look at Edward Snowden, look at how people act in the Trump administration, they were afraid to be whistleblowers. There’s a slew of assassinations in the news.
I don’t think it was a suicide, it also could’ve been a suicide but to really plant your feet on your evidence being this article. I dunno bro I think it’s a little foolish.
Haha okay present your evidence
This isn’t proving a negative? Lol.
This whistleblower is dead, they would be suspect #1 along with close family and friends. This is literally what the first step of an investigation should look like.
Why is that important? No you assume they are/were killed until someone has some real fuckin proof about it
Hey man we tried to get them banned and shit, they said no so I guess we gotta do it their way
the book series “book of the new sun” has the best feeling of this sort of vibe imo
Have I seen this movie…?
Lol yeah I get paid $30 an hour by Exxon to comments on Lemmy
I hate this thread.
shouldn’t they have won like a year ago at this point? lol
They will.
Russia is running on fumes and Ukraine is continuing to bolster up. Russia needs time to reup
Someone should get them to write a blog before capitalists figure that out
His sources are always bad