Skyrim character creation after forgetting to turn the camera.
Skyrim character creation after forgetting to turn the camera.
I wanted to learn more so i went looking for an article. Heres a pretty good write up.
TLDR: Lots of flowering plants, moss and algae spreading. In March, temperatures near the south pole reached 39 °C above normal for three days in a row, hitting a peak of -10 °C (14 °F). Warm enough for researchers to walk around in shorts and shirtless…In Antarctica. Yeah were fucked.
My boss holds Meeings all the time. Almost every meeting is about her and how great she is. I will now call these meeting “meeings”.
If I pick up, then they know its a real number and I get added to a hundred more lists. Its taken me years of diligently ignoring the world to get to the point where i only get a couple of spam calls a day. I might not answer, either.
Does this help?