Thanks for the info! I’d never heard of bronze die cut before. I’ve been buying De Cecco, so it’s validating to see that it’s one of these bronze cut pastas. I always knew it was better than Barilla! Lol
Same. Too slippery. Doesn’t grab the sauce
Link to all the body cams released by the NY State Attorney General
Yeah I agree the home feed sucks now, for chronological purposes. It used to be better. But what I do is I favorite (star?) close friends/family so that it gives me a notification whenever they post something. For everyone else, I might miss their updates especially since I don’t spend forever on there…
For me, it’s nice to share information and have light, friendly interactions. I don’t care for engaging in online conflicts or debates. That kind of stuff adds unnecessary stress to my life that I don’t want.
As far as SM with my real identity, like IG: It’s nice updating friends and family about life events. Sometimes I post silly things. Stuff like engagement doesn’t bother me bc it’s not about having a popularity contest.
But in particular, I like posting highlights as they happen throughout the year. My memory (for dates, especially!) isn’t that great, so this lets me scroll through in chronological order and quickly see what I’ve been up to. It’s sort of like keeping a picture diary.
It’s cold?
I leave em up bc it feels lame to immediately delete. But I might revisit and delete days later just to clean up my page, profile, whatever.