Maybe look into Garuda as an additional alternative to EndeavousOS and Manjaro. I’m using it on a gaming rog and haven’t had any significant issues regarding stability.
It is my absolute pleasure.
Maybe look into Garuda as an additional alternative to EndeavousOS and Manjaro. I’m using it on a gaming rog and haven’t had any significant issues regarding stability.
So there’s no more or less stable distro based on arch?
Garuda is very nice. Only thing I have atm is that there are some issues with updating the system where it doesn’t connect to the garuda repo servers or whatever. I’m not proficient enough to know if it’s their stuff that breaks or the base arch, so I wonder if doing the tedious thing and installing a base arch system myself would be better to understand everything. It’s my first linux system for reference.
That’s horrible, how can a vet with PTSD get a job where he is allowed to carry a gun? That’s the worst idea. Might as well let him patrol a loud and hectic arcade.
Thank you for the elaboartion though, banger meme nonetheless.
What’s the thing with the acorn memes, may someone fill me in?
Linux Mint (I’d recomment Debian edition, LMDE) is basically what you want to try out. I’ve set up a PC with it for my stepfather that hasn’t used Linux at all and he’s happy with it. It’s designed to be as newbie-friendly as possible. You won’t have more issues with it than you’ll already have using Windows.
Then if you feel unsatisfied with anything about it, you can go looking for other linux distributions (distros) because you have a general idea what’s happening.