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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I have a lot of experience with both. As a tech savvy user, I slightly prefer KeePass. Syncing between devices is slightly more painful, but I find it to be more reliable, and it doesn’t have the attack surface that Bitwarden does. (While encrypted, Bitwarden still really wants a web server and a local database connection.)

    VaultWarden is probably better for those who can’t be bothered to move a file around and want direct browser integration. With KeePass when you need a password, you’ll make sure the username has focus and then alt+tab to KeePass and hit “autofill”. Some sites won’t take “username{tab}password{enter}” and you’ll have to customize the configuration.

    VaultWarden is better at prompting you to add new passwords. I prefer the workflow that’s encouraged by KeePass, where you open the app first and use the app to open the URL. (You can do this in VaultWarden too, but it’s less obvious.)

  • It doesn’t matter. One person can’t put forth 48k lifetimes worth of effort, and they don’t deserve that much in return.

    I promise the dude hasn’t worked harder than the combined efforts of 48 thousand people.

    We can reward talent, and we can reward effort. But no combination of those two is as ridiculous as our reward structure. Our reward structure is flawed because people with money make the rules, and their primary rule is that people with money should have more money.

  • If able, you should provide enough to society to make it worth meeting your basic needs. They give you food, water, shelter, you give them back enough to compensate them for that effort.

    At its root, this is what cash should be, a measure of what society owes you. You make other people’s lives X much better, and they do the same for you.

    We should really be trying harder to get cash to meet this goal. A person making 60k a year for 45 years is $2.7 million dollars. You can buy a person’s lifetime of effort for $2.7 million.

    Bill Gates is worth $131 billion. That’s the lifetime effort of 48,500 people. He hasn’t improved our lives that much. Something is clearly out of sorts. There’s nothing one person can do to deserve the lifetime effort of a thousand people.

  • It’s not about choosing a candidate, especially with Taylor. It’s about going out to vote or not.

    They were fucking terrified that Taylor and Kelce were gonna endorse Biden at the Super Bowl. It’s not a coincidence that the jet thing was picked up at the same time.

    And they’re afraid they were gonna get out the vote for the young, who are notoriously left-leaning non-voters.