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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Stack ranking is toxic and removes individuality from a given employees expectations in my opinion.

    People should be qualified to give proper unbiased reviews. Just because someone is an excellent engineer does not mean they are good at understanding other people’s expectations and work outputs.

    I worked at a company that had no ‘managers’ just the owner, and everyone else. I hated that I had no real way to settle disputes and every single disagreement has to ultimately be resolved by the literal one person who was in charge.

    I think there is merit to flat structures, but I don’t think the extreme is always the way to go.

  • This is something people fail to realize, and I think part of it is because Linux people tend to surround themselves with other Linux people.

    I have been helping my friend get into Linux, we picked a sensible distro, fedora, with the default gnome spin. He loves the UI, great.

    But there is a random problem with his microphone, everything is garbled, I can’t recreate it on my hardware and it’s unclear.

    He reads guides and randomly inputs terminal commands, things get borked, he re installs, cycle continues.

    He tries a different distro, microphone works, but world of Warcraft is funky with lutris, so no go.

    The result is, all of this shit just works on windows, and it just doesn’t on Linux. Progress has been made in compatibility, but, for example, there was a whole day of learning just about x vs Wayland and not actually getting to use the computer. For someone who has never opened a terminal before, something as simple to you and I as adding a package repo is completely gibberish

    Yes you can learn all of this, but to quote this friend who has been trying Linux for the past two weeks “I’m just gonna re install windows and go back to living my life after work”

    When you have 20 years of understanding windows, you need to be nearly 1 to 1 with that platform to get people to switch.

  • The game explores the idea of choice and structure in modern video game narratives.

    It’s presented to you in such a way that you feel like you can’t break away from the established narrative, everything you do has actually been planned and accounted for, and even intended by the developer.

  • Sync gained a big following because it had a core feature many many moons ago, when having constant cell service was much less common, it allowed you download and save hundreds of posts and all the comments while you were on wifi, so you could browse reddit offline, it did this automatically and in the background (based on your settings ) hence the name ‘Sync’. This was a killer feature back in the day, at least for me. As that became less of a need, the app continued to change and add a lot of nice features, like lots of customizations, random NSFW, a very good OLED dark mode, etc, so there was no point in switching to something else.

    My .02¢