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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • Switzerland has a direct democracy component to their government.

    The pure form of direct democracy exists only in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus.[27] The Swiss Confederation is a semi-direct democracy (representative democracy with strong instruments of direct democracy).[27] The nature of direct democracy in Switzerland is fundamentally complemented by its federal governmental structures (in German also called the Subsidiaritätsprinzip).[5][6][7][8]

    Most western countries have representative systems.[27] Switzerland is a rare example of a country with instruments of direct democracy (at the levels of the municipalities, cantons, and federal state). Citizens have more power than in a representative democracy. On any political level citizens can propose changes to the constitution (popular initiative) or ask for an optional referendum to be held on any law voted by the federal, cantonal parliament and/or municipal legislative body.[28]

    The list for mandatory or optional referendums on each political level are generally much longer in Switzerland than in any other country; for example, any amendment to the constitution must automatically be voted on by the Swiss electorate and cantons, on cantonal/communal levels often any financial decision of a certain substantial amount decreed by legislative and/or executive bodies as well.[28]

    Swiss citizens vote regularly on any kind of issue on every political level, such as financial approvals of a schoolhouse or the building of a new street, or the change of the policy regarding sexual work, or on constitutional changes, or on the foreign policy of Switzerland, four times a year.[29] Between January 1995 and June 2005, Swiss citizens voted 31 times, on 103 federal questions besides many more cantonal and municipal questions.[30] During the same period, French citizens participated in only two referendums.[27]

    In Switzerland, simple majorities are sufficient at the municipal and cantonal level, at the federal level double majorities are required on constitutional issues.[20]

    A double majority requires approval by a majority of individuals voting, and also by a majority of cantons. Thus, in Switzerland, a citizen-proposed amendment to the federal constitution (i.e. popular initiative) cannot be passed at the federal level if a majority of the people approve but a majority of the cantons disapprove.[20] For referendums or propositions in general terms (like the principle of a general revision of the Constitution), a majority of those voting is sufficient (Swiss Constitution, 2005).


  • So why isn’t the DNC forming a national push for Ranked Choice voting? Stopping the Republicans is bigger then preserving the democratic party.

    Joe biden needs backup on the debate stage. We need more chances to defeat the republicans. We need more then two viable political parties.

    All that is possible with electoral reform. We don’t actually need to wait for federal reform. How we vote is controlled at the state level. This means all those blue states can push through this much needed reform with little Republican resistance.

    We deserve the *freedom * to vote for someone who best represents us, secure in the knowledge that our vote will still be counted even if our preference didn’t won. We deserve to be free of the spoiler effect.

    The only thing standing in our way in blue states is the democratic party. Don’t they care about beating the Republicans more then being in power?

  • Worked for this guy.

    After the self-immolation, the US put more pressure on Diệm to re-open negotiations on the faltering agreement. Diệm had scheduled an emergency cabinet meeting at 11:30 a.m. on 11 June to discuss the Buddhist crisis which he believed to be winding down. Following Quảng Đức’s death, Diệm canceled the meeting and met individually with his ministers. Acting US Ambassador to South Vietnam William Trueheart warned Nguyễn Đình Thuận, Diệm’s Secretary of State, of the desperate need for an agreement, saying that the situation was “dangerously near breaking point” and expected Diệm would meet the Buddhists’ five-point manifesto. United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk warned the Saigon embassy that the White House would publicly announce that it would no longer “associate itself” with the regime if this did not occur.[29] The Joint Communiqué and concessions to the Buddhists were signed on 16 June.[30]

    So what’s the key difference? IMO “dangerously near breaking point”. We aren’t in danger of a breaking point. What are you going to do, vote for a even more conservative person? The 1% has crafted themselves a win win situation with First Past The Post voting. The liberal party in Canada recently promised electoral reform to their voters, yet the voting system remains.

    Because that’s democracy, having a insanely limited amount of options to vote for. Feeling represented yet? No? Fuck you, vote for my guy. That’s democracy, fuck you and what you believe, just vote for my guy.

    Have you ever talked to a democrat about voting third party before? Boy they sure seem to understand the faults of First Past The Post voting, because nearly every single one you talk to about this will mention how a vote not for their guy is a vote for the other guy. How can you point out these glaring mathematical faults of our voting system and then, some way some how, wash your hands of the issue Post election?

    Now hang on just one second my blue conservative “ally”, you can’t just do nothing about the voting system after bringing up all those flaws when we discussed voting for a third party. You can’t lecture people on how to vote in “the most important election ever” and then not work tirelessly to enact state level reforms to fix the problems YOU YOURSELF enthusiasticly bring up to vote shame people into supporting your guy.

    Here are some videos on the topic if you’d like to know more:

    First Past The Post voting


    Other electoral systems to choose from:

    Alternative vote


    Ranked Choice voting


    Range Voting


    Single Transferable Vote


    STAR voting


    Mixed Member Proportional representation
