That’s capitalism
That’s capitalism
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all true; I hold a similar suspicion to any US activity. Even some of the organizations criticizing this person’s work I hold in suspicion.
that article seems suspicious to me as well though.
Fleishmann added to the intriguing scientific puzzle, but was unwilling to get involved. It seemed that scientists looking at cold fusion were dying under suspicious circumstances.
I am in the book under various names. But a few months before its publication, del Guidice unexpectedly died when alone in his house. I am told that the Rai News co-author editor of the book, Maurizio Torrealta has gone into hiding after having been posted three real bullets in an envelope.
The new bomb was successfully detonated just before the Kennedy Kruschev test ban, and just before Kennedy was assassinated. Could there be a link?
These are very conspiratorial statements. I’m not saying they’re incorrect statements.
Christopher Busby wiki reads a bit shakily for credibility as well.
It’s worth reading and learning about, I just wouldn’t take it as gospel.
I agree. But I don’t think the person should be punished.
I don’t have any sympathy for israelis
Hm. The constitution you say.
He pretty famously was kicked from PayPal because he wanted to name it x.
No you will learn this lesson one time and every time you move after it’ll be your first purchase lol
You sound like an asshole to work with.
Did Libya have a substantial development program?
There are only two ways of producing “value”. You either extract resources from the planet or you use labor to enhance those resources. The value is in the problems solved by the finished product.
Capitalism requires that capital is invested in the manner which produces the most profit. Thus infinite growth.
There is not an infinite amount of resources or labor. The fruit tree extracts nutrients from the soil and requires water to be added.
My life situation is great, actually. I still think gulags are appropriate.