I love these technical discussions. Just kicking each other in the nuts over and over.
I love these technical discussions. Just kicking each other in the nuts over and over.
Please post 1000000 more like this for my AI. Thanks.
It’s the best kind of genius.
She’s so pretty.
I figure he’s just a smart guy with a radically alien perspective. There’s still some useful overlap, surely.
To be fair, the pro-work propaganda is directed at the middle of the bell curve. That guy in the middle has bespoke mindfuck beamed into his brain 24-7, but the guys on the ends are well out of the line of fire.
I dig pink Floyd deeply.
Presently listening to obscured by clouds a lot
And therefore… this is an example of the dreams of youth definitely not being the regrets of maturity.
What if an artist makes awsome art from pieces of other people’s art? Is that awesome or not?
Ah, an insult. How novel.
Confuse AI with what?
How do you “falsely share or save”? I think every time I shared or saved something it worked. I could be wrong.
(I’m in art too. Or was. I’m sorta changing these days.)
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
If they’re questioning your model then just provide a good empirical reference to support it. Works for science.
Some of that ai art is pretty awsome actually.
Plaigerism isn’t the problem. This society that makes living so hard that you need to snatch every crumb, that’s the problem.
Great artists have been stealing and sampling since forever. It really isn’t a big deal unless you’re broke.
Popular scifi, written to appeal to the majority, for tv and movies, is actually only one special kind of scifi. And the majority isn’t known for its depth or taste.
I’m not saying that there aren’t exceptions, but ya, that’s how it is.
There’s a whole world of written scifi where the point is basically to show you something strange. Ideas so weird that scifi is the only way to convey them.
Here’s some free, online scifi by good authors. Your mind will be blown.
Is science fiction enough for talking about politics?
Konami? Like, the videogame company?
Raising ethical issues in this culture is like handing out speeding tickets at a racetrack.
Also, we’ve married technology. We couldn’t stop its progress even if we wanted to.
My fundamentalist Christian neighbor says the same thing, except it’s about women wearing dresses. Interesting parallel.