Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I hate this argument even more passionately. Since austerity has been eating away at all social programs…particularly ones that involve technology (which should be the correct avenue for funding FOSS software projects), we must, as citizens, financially incentivize software developers to avoid the monetization traps that exist.

    Case in point: I’ve recently been working on a way of federating inventory. I’ll let you guess how viable that project is without some way of COMPLETELY UNDERMINING THE SOCIAL GOOD OF SUCH A PROJECT SIMPLY BECAUSE I HAVE TO PAY RENT AND EAT FOOD WHILE WORKING ON IT. I’ll let you guess how many different ways that I will likely need to compromise the sanctity of my vision (which should basically be an addition to the open pub/sub protocol) just to make working on it something that could support me. If my project were funded by governments and non-commercial entities, I’d be fine. But the reality is: these kinds of technologies are often compromised because of this same bullshit line of reasoning.

  • What’s funny is that they want us to simultaneously believe that these are religious zealots that are so dedicated to their holy book that would die to uphold the laws set out in it but they also openly violated one of the major laws (rape) it specifically forbids just to “own the Jews”. If one Hamas member saw another raping a woman, they’d have license from their holy book itself to execute that person on the spot. There’s almost no crime in the world of Islam more severe than rape. Look it up.