• 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • My complaint was mostly targeting the big picture of everything living in /bin/

    I inferred the ‘user 0’ thing to their credit like you, it just still felt really strange as numerals are kind of a no no when programming – you can’t begin variable and other names with them and I guess having them as a suffix feels strange too as it’s not common practice.

    It will definitely be the only utility I recall that uses a numeral.

    To me the whole numeral systems are archaic, User ID numbers don’t line up when transferring data from hard drives from another machine eg 1000-1005.

    The numeral permission system is archaic and requires explicit knowledge to know the difference between a 7 6 and 4. In GUI Immutability is separate when it should be more integrated as a file control. The octal permissions are from another decade and modern platforms have permissions on whether a executible can access the internet, access input devices like camera or microphone, or sensitive data like contacts, pictures, etc…

    I think file tagging should be greatly expanded, IDv3 meta data for example was a workaround for the limitations and the core filesystem should have robust enough tagging to make it unnecessary.

    I’ll be controversial now – eliminate the . prefix to hide files. Yes I know it had been this way for decades and was grandfathered in as a feature after a bug, that should have been in the filesystem properties like chattr +I and you shouldn’t need .hidden indexes to hide files just like windows and osx litters zip files with MDF or inf or whatever (memory is fuzzy from non use).

    Some people say “4 character” limit, that needs to go too – FHS naming structure is confusing and not self evident what it does to people trying to learn who already have IT training. /etc/ having 2 or more bins /bin vs /usr/bin – ‘what does usr mean the new it ponders’ ‘oh it must mean ‘user’ I guess’. – weird stuff like that.

    To systemd credit they have no problem being controversial and relentlessly persuing their vision in a practical way, hell I use their stuff hapilly.

    I just feel like the run0 thing is a band aid on bigger problems, and AI critique would be very fascinating to make these human interfaces you know… more for us humans :P

    If not systemd, maybe the rust people or someone else will be baller enough to try to tackle these funny ackward quirks that have accumulated over the years and straighten it all out.

  • Thanks, it restores my faith in our community to get a complement.

    I felt like I had finally made it in life where I was sustaining and so I did maybe a dozen donations to software I actually used as a signal of thanks.

    I tried to make the amounts at least equal to commercial counterparts or at $100 each since it’s enough of an amount a developer will understand the deep appreciation and value others have in their gifted labor and to encourage them to keep up the awesome work.

    I probably did at least another 1k that year to specialized Linux FOSS apps that professionals use – KDE, gimp, krita, inkscape, libreoffice, etc… – I don’t have as much free time to put into bug reports and grinding triaging bugs so I figured material could be a way to help out.

    Thanks for listening to me vent. IIUC that mod was later removed 6?m later after a burnout blowup and they unbanned a number of people as per request but I decided not to request being unbanned as I felt that the writing was on the wall and it underscored __ the need __ for Linux Forums and Communities to not be controlled by any one person, niche group, or commercial interest. Thus I made my avatar a picture of Mastodon on a 100k karma profile over 10 years of Linux and here we are in the future hopefully in a new place where we can be free and live by the principles of libre and FOSs to share and help each other.

    In any case, sincerely thank you for being courageous and restoring my faith that there are people out there that share my values and digital love for open source. Cheers :)

  • Sent $500 to FOSS projects one month.

    Banned from /r/Linux on BlackFriday for making a post trying to make Linux BF deals a thing and clear our reputation as a non-market.


    In any case it demonstrated to me

    #1. Fuck Reddit

    #2. Fuck communities that are not autonomous with the power spread out.

    10/10 would do again.

    Edit: Also CAP – that friend who was diagnosed with cancer that same day is now deceased, thanks for showing me your lack of humanity & decency over petty bullshit. That shit catches up with you fast trust me.

  • I’d be open to considering those but I never had a website break it down in a material way. At best 6 to me is shiny and side grade – if it results in major labor and time spent without reasonable benefit within a LAN then it’s not going to be a humdinger. Of course like I said if there are arguments to be made I’m happy to contemplate them.

    YMMV, for me the juice hasn’t been worth the squeeze yet and I’m not sure it ever will.

  • YMMV. Time, energy, compat*ability problems, unforseen issues which cost time debugging.

    Again, I’m speaking for me – there has to be a tangible real benefit and within networks even with 100 devices IPv4 does the job better than fine and better than IPv6 for some folks.

    Not to mention its just plain easier to remember 4 octet sets of numbers running from machine to machine in an office than 6 or 8 or whatever.