• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023

  • It is theoreticaly possible, but praticaly speaking it would be near impossible.

    To acomplish this, you need to get 51% of the population (who actually vote) to all vote for one person. However, with FPTP, you get one choice on the ballot. Is the average voter going to risk their vote on a 3rd party, or vote for who they belive to be the “lesser evil” of the two that have a shot at winning?

    Even if you do manage to get 51%, there’s the electoral collage. Never forget, our democracy has built in the ability to overwrite the presidential vote.

    Your first hurdle is getting any one to name an independent candidate.

    Edit: adjusted some wording to be better.

  • Parents: you need to read lots of book in your free time to get smart and go to collage.

    ~~~ Many years later ~~~

    Me: I would like to attend university next year. I will pursue an education in literature to achieve my goal of becoming a published author.

    Parents: you will not! There is no success as an author, I will not support you going to to school for such a waste.

  • helpImTrappedOnline@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    28 days ago

    Seems like you’re some kind of purest…go back to the Alpha versions? Which, they actually make really easy.

    Personally I like features that provide a new purpose and build off of existing systems. Horse armor is a a natural progression for protecting your horse. Its mirrors the player armor system with materials (leather to diamond). Wolf armor breaks the mold, it could mimic player/horse armor in mechanics and material progression, but instead it comes from armodillo scales with seemingly no way to upgrade. They even copied the ability to dye the armor - they probably copy pasted the code for leather and made a new redundant item.

  • helpImTrappedOnline@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    28 days ago

    Probably. I’ll be surprised if they don’t finally stop this noncense this year or next with all the negative feedback it got last year.

    Just give us the new features without threatening us with other features “lost forever”.

    That being said, I will always give credit where credit is due - for a game fullly released in 2011, the fact we have gotten significant free anual updates for the past 13 years is insane. Unlike the other major 2011 release (Skyrim) that seems to only update to break mods for fun.

  • I like Simple Note.

    I’m not sure about real time collab, but I know you can share notes.


    They do have a github page. Having to make an account and store notes server side is a big minus, but it is the only one I’ve found to

    1. Not be Google
    2. support all major OS (Lin, Win, Mac, And, ios, and browser)
    3. Not serve ads
    4. Not require self hosting
    5. Not ask for money (beside a donate button)
    6. Not be Google


    Digging into it a bit more. Seems they started in 2008 and were aquired by Automattic, in 2013. Same people behind WordPress. Oddly enough, Simple Note is not listed in their list of products.

    Simple Note client side is GPL-2.0 The server is proprietary

    They say on their own site, don’t store sensitive data. But that’s good advice for any online service.

  • It looks a lot cleaner now.

    The body text seems too light still, but that might be my phone screen. It should be solid black.

    Only One change from here I would strongly recommend making is the blue “city” text black.

    Treat blue and bold text as your ‘highlighter’, there to help someone quickly navigate to the important sections of the page. City is not important. Your use of varriying font sizes and bullet lists is great for page navigation.

    If I was going to use color, I’d highlight the jobs before the city name/git link.

    The rest is personal taste.

    Personally, I think the blue headers is enough. It might get to too blue if you color job titles as well. You don’t need a separate monochrome version, the dark blue will show as black if it happens to be printed in B&W. You should also test print your resume in B&W. I find easier to spot errors on paper.

    Edits as I spot more little things.

    (Also there’s an extra space in the second skill name - Event Bus)

    (You also have space to make programming languages one line. At first glace I though you had a blank section for “languages”. Could probably just say “programming”, but I’m not in that field so maybe that’s frowned upon?)

    (In education, you have an example line underneath the university name, what is that line for? I would put the degree in that space, not off to the side. That’s technicaly more important that the university it self, but it’s probably “improper form” to list that above the uni name. (or whatever some one snoby would say).

    (One last thing, you don’t really need your full street address. Its unlikely anyone will mail you a response, and its just as likely you’ll have to enter it into the application form anyways. City will suffice.)

    (One last last thing, if you’re going to give yourself titles at the top, you better show them in your expirence section. (I know this is just an example template and I am being incredibly picky) but I don’t see architect anyware in the actual resume. That communicates to me you’re just calling yourself related titles hoping one sticks)

  • This looks good.

    A few unsolicited nit-picky suggestions;

    • I’m not a big fan of mixing colors in a single word. ‘Taky’ might the be the right to describe why. I do like the color blue you used - if you’re going to do it, make it the whole word. The name should also be consitent. Bold and either black or blue, not black and blue.
    • The light blue and light gray body text is difficult to read. Colors should be solid black, or navy blue. Bright and ‘fun’ colors are heard to read for some. Assume they’re colorblind or will print it on a B&W printer with poor contrast.
    • I like to lead with the job title instead of the company. Where you worked is largely irrevelvant compared to what you’ve done at those places. It also makes it easy to combine company, city and years in one line.
    • start with previous jobs (unless education was most recent or more relevant to new job). Typically the order is job > skills > education.
    • Avoid italics they can be unnecessarily diffuclt to read

    Engine Mechanic

    Bob’s Auto | City, ST | 2017-2021

    Education does not need so many details (if relevant to job, include specific courses and projects). Grad date can be omitted to help obfuscate you’re age (a grad from 2024 is probably inexpirenced, while a 1967 grad is going to be retiring soon).

    Two lines is all you need;

    Bob’s University, City, ST

    B.S. Computer Science, minor electrical enginnering