• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    18 days ago

    Yeah it was a middle school thing in Finland too, at least in the 90’s.

    I did an exchange year in the US in my 2nd high school year, and I was honestly a bit surprised at how… well, simple it all was. I was a senior in the US and I’d learned just about everything they taught that wasn’t specific to the US or the English language (and even some of those…) either in my 1st year in high school or in middle school.

  • Yeah, there’s a reason why they suddenly have a lot of trouble selling their military hardware even to countries that haven’t sanctioned them.

    Well, other reasons in addition to the fact that the stuff they’re fielding themselves in Ukraine keeps getting blown the fuck up and they have had to replace it with something that was initially being built for an outside customer. “Yeah you remember those tanks you ordered? Weeelll you’re not going to be getting them quite on schedule, there’s been some… uh… complications. The turrets… they, uh… experienced rapid unplanned disassembly caused by… uh… assembly workers smoking in the crew compartment. Definitely not caused by inferior westoid antitank missiles in Ukraine, our cope cages work against those 100% of the time and it’s not like we’d use your tanks in combat, no siree Bob”

  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlAmazing app ideas
    21 days ago

    Oh yeah it’s obviously a shit idea, but that generally doesn’t stop executives when they think there’s money to be made – considering how eg. YouTube’s trying to stop you from blocking ads and will apparently start showing ads when videos are paused, requiring attention seems like a logical next step to drive that CPM up to fund the CEO’s new yacht

  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlAmazing app ideas
    21 days ago

    But they haven’t released a TV with that feature yet though, and if I remember right that patent’s fairly old – something like 10–15 years.

    Wonder what’s kept them from actually doing it. Maybe even Sony suits understood it’d be a fucking disaster from a marketing perspective?

    Edit: the patent was filed in 2009

  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlSplitters!
    25 days ago

    It’d be funny if they were eg. Revolutionary Socialist Party and Socialist Revolutionary Party, or Communist Party of India and Indian Communist Party. Now it’s just… well, two parties with very different names and different politics (socialism ≠ communism) (edit: see reply comment re politics of the RSP)

  • Same with flying cars. At least with regular ground cars you won’t have a car come crashing through your wall if you don’t live on the bottom floor – although I’m sure some bright spark has managed to do that with a regular car, it takes real dedication to stupidity to manage without a flying car. Or if someone cuts you off in traffic, they’re usually coming from either your left or right side, not from above or below too