HTML tends to absorb all its best kludges. I put off learning JQuery for so long that the features I wanted became standard.
Or you can get a different kind of weird.
1 + 1 = “11”.
Perl is a write-only language.
Some people are still waiting on a text editor that never lags.
HTML5 applications goddamn well ought to be first-class programs, as a totally platform-agnostic realization of Turing completeness.
Instead you get every application bundled with its own whole-ass operating system and virtual machine. For a fucking webpage. Yep! No other way to run that on a modern computer!
but it feels too reliant on generative AI.
… how the fuck else was it supposed to happen?
I don’t want to talk to a game.
Then why did you review this title?!
Here is my drive-by reaction to this: if you don’t value the written word enough to have a writer create unique, intentional dialogue, then why make a game based around conversation?
Because a human accounting for all possible inputs is impossible, you dingdong.
The sole screenshot is a brain in a bucket, and this article has absolutely nothing to say about the content of the game. However you feel about LLMs - these devs didn’t prime the NPCs with “You’re in an Agatha Christie story, go.” They’ve got some kind of wacky bullshit going on, and stylish macabre presentation, and (one would fucking hope) an underlying mystery.
This isn’t Shadows Of Doubt, right? Because that game actually does let the machine make up the story.
This kneejerk clickbait crap doesn’t even address the obvious concerns about the one part it’s fixated on. Is the LLM local? Or will this game suddenly stop working, when OpenAI changes their pricing? If it actually runs on your PC, does it require beeftank specs just to show visual-novel presentation? Does it trickle out words like everyone’s on quaaludes, if you use a laptop over wifi?
The Nazi’s didn’t believe in killing everything and everyone, only those that opposed them
Hey maybe let’s don’t downplay how many groups got sent to death camps just for existing, yeah?
That’s how Peewee got cancelled.
Nvidia’s anti-competitive monopoly should be broken up over this API.
The fact AMD was visibly scared to even be associated with this project is a big fucking hint to regulators that CUDA is vendor lock-in tool which Nvidia guards at all costs.
Still no idea where they got those sounds.
That’s what I’m on about! The deeper you look, the more it’s like “Matter just does stuff, okay?!”
A fractal meta uncertainty principle would help explain why “chromodynamics” is allowed to exist.
Quantum physics: because the universe doesn’t give a shit if you understand it.
Right? Every C++ feature needs to be lightly cursed.
This doesn’t have a damn thing to do with what’s on TikTok.