I take my shitposts very seriously.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • If it’s going to be your problem no matter what, start making offline backups of your email account, and print out the email conversation where the bossmang rejected the fix. Make sure your HR rep is present on every meeting, even especially if it makes the people uncomfortable.

    (this assumes that you live in a place where employee protection laws exist, i.e. it might not work in America)

  • Some required network services were located off-site. It could’ve been done in a secure way, but don’t expect such considerations from the company described above. It’s still better than the many XP and Win2000 production machines with the same internet access.

    I can’t say a lot because of confidentiality, but if you had seen the factory around the time I quit, having a Win10 computer with internet access would’ve been the least of your concerns. If we had OSHA here, that building would’ve kept them busy for a week.

  • don’t you dare restarting that computer

    We had two desktop PCs on the factory floor doing server stuff for a lot of assembly machines. We couldn’t move them to proper hardware or virtualize them because the GUI and the server were built as one monolithic application (I still don’t trust any Japanese company’s developers as a result), so one computer was made the primary server for one half of the factory and the fallback for the other half, and vice versa, to solve the reliability issues stemming from the software’s dogshit design.

    What it couldn’t solve was Windows’ dogshit design. One early Monday morning, when we switched on the factory, Windows decided to force-update itself, then failed and bricked both computers. We spent half the shift with our thumbs up our asses periodically checking if tech support bothered to show up yet.

  • My previous work used two mission-critical software for continuous operation.

    One was some guy’s university project written in Object Pascal and PHP and largely untouched since 2006. I tried offering fixes (I also knew Pascal), but I was rejected every time because the cumulative downtime caused by software issues was not enough to justify the downtime caused by the update (obviously this was determined by a Middle Manager (derogatory)).

    The other was (I shit you not) an Excel spreadsheet with 15000 lines and 500 columns. I tried making a copy and cleaning it up, but Excel couldn’t handle the amount of data and ran out of memory.

  • Linux Mint if you want a “just works” distro that isn’t Ubuntu. It’s Ubuntu-based, but with a better desktop and no snap.

    Nobara if you want a distro that focuses on gaming. It’s Fedora-based and maintained by Glorious Eggroll, known for his custom Wine and Proton forks.

    If you want Arch, just use Arch. It’s much less of a bitch to install with the archinstall script compared to earlier releases. EndeavourOS is another option – basically Arch, but preconfigured with a desktop and a graphical installer.

  • Sounds to me like the kernel or the video driver died. Try pressing caps-lock a few times – if the keyboard’s LEDs don’t change, your inputs are dead and pretty much your only option is to power down or reset the computer. Most modern filesystems, like ext4 and btrfs (you likely have one of those) are very robust and can easily handle an ungraceful shutdown. When you start the OS again, it’ll run fsck on the root partition and get it into a functional state. Data loss can still occur if the computer dies while a process is still writing a file, but I think it was inevitable the moment the OS froze.

    Unfortunately I can’t offer much advice other than to use a numbered Proton version instead of experimental, and to try again at a lower quality setting. You should also try Gamemode to temporarily optimize your system for running games.

    I’ve played RDR2 on a weaker system than yours. It’s a very intensive game to run in terms of memory usage, streaming from mass storage, and CPU/GPU. Install it on an SSD to give it the best chance, and use a system monitor like bpytop or htop to check the RAM/CPU stats and temperatures.