Does this mean we’re near the end?
Does this mean we’re near the end?
Yeah that’s crazy to me. Of course it’s sad that we are at this point but to suggest that the article shouldn’t be written is just silly. What’s the alternative? Just isolate ourselves in our little echo chambers? People aren’t as intelligent as we’d like to believe. Moreover, confirmation bias and selective reasoning are strong behavioral forces. There has to be some middle ground between grossly unprofessional profit seeking and state run media.
Anyone have any good readings or discussions on what Google Play policies are being cited here as the major obstacle? Just curious to learn more.
Edit: 20 testers policy? Sounds onerous.
Respectfully disagree. I’ve been waking up to Chum Lair from the Sable video game OST for a couple years now. I wake up in a good mood because me and my girlfriend think it’s absolutely ridiculous and hilarious.
Changelog media is another good source to complement this rec. Longer form, as opposed to breaking news, conversations about many OSS related (and software development in general) topics. Some of their now defunct programs like Request For Commits were some of my favorites.
Sheesh. How would the uniformed learn anything in your version of the world? People aren’t born with perfect omniscience. Skepticism and uncertainty exist, plain and simple. Fill in information asymmetries with quality information. That’s all that can be done.